over 7 years ago
– Thu, May 11, 2017 at 12:11:16 AM
As you know, SHIPPING HAS BEGUN and Family Plot is showing up in graveyards all over the world . . . which is kind of insanely cool!!! If you have not received your's yet, don't get your little Reaper robes in a bunch. The games have been going out in waves, but if you've already received your game, you're obviously our favorite . . . if you haven't . . . try harder to garner the great Reaper's favor!!!
A few things:
1) In some countries, the game does require a signature for delivery, so be on the lookout for a NOTICE the postal service may have left for you if you're not home. We want to make sure one and all Reapers receive their games!!
2) If you are on one of the "special tiers" and didn't request your games shipped from the factory, we will be sending those personally once we receive our freight shipment, but they will be packed with MUCH LOVE and extra surprises!!!
3) If you are signed up for LOCAL PICKUP, we will give you a shout when the games hit Nashville and let you know where you can pick them up!
4) AND FINALLY . . . we have heard some of the Reaper cries from afar about the box not being big enough to house all the expansions. We designed the game to be a CORE GAME in the beginning, never expecting to give away so much free stuff. BUT, that said, we are planning a SEQUEL to FAMILY PLOT and when that happens, we will offer it with a larger box that will house both the original as well as the sequel with extra space for any other cards you want to put in that sucker . . . or maybe park a small car like a FIAT. But, yeah, we get it, you don't like free stuff. NO MORE WE SAY!!!
5) Tees are going to be shipped later this week or early next week, but have been made and are waiting new bodies to lay upon!
SO, make sure to CHECK THOSE MAILBOXES and DOORS (for possible "not home" notifications). Games are fluttering about the globe as we speak (YES, FLUTTERING!). Also, PLEASE shoot us pics of you and your family playing or even opening that box for the first time at [email protected]! We want to see Reapers rejoicing. Yes, we will allow it this once!!!
Now, go give the mailman a dirty scowl and KEEP ON REAPING!!!!
The Reaper has left the building!
over 7 years ago
– Sun, Apr 30, 2017 at 11:26:36 PM
HEYO REAPERS and, of course GOOF EVENING! I am pleased to tell you that games have begun to ship and are now showing up in your very ownGRAVEYARDS! Games will most likely start showing up in EUROPE first, but will make their way to the states, etc. Let us know when yours arrive and shoot us pics!!! We want to see REAPERS REJOICING!!!
We are also planning to launch our second game in the very near future and are going to have an EARLY BACKERS TIER and will let all of you know before the public when the game is going to launch so you can get in at a discount if you so desire!!! We truly LOVE and APPRECIATE YOU backers . . . as much as Reaper Creators can of course!!!
So, let us know when your game arrives and shoot us a pic with your games!!! We want to see these momentous occasions!!!
As always, THANK YOU and KEEP ON REAPING!!!!
almost 8 years ago
– Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 01:00:03 AM
YES, REAPERS! Aliens are indeed coming, but until they arrive on your doorstep, here's a look at more fantastic cards from the ALIENS EXPANSION!!! Enjoy . . . and keep on REAPING!!!!
almost 8 years ago
– Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 12:32:33 AM
GOOF EVENING REAPERS! I hope you're having an awesome night day or other, depending on what astral plane you're visiting. I wanted to shoot out some more cards for you, even though you'll be holding your very own decks in your grubby little boney fingers very soon . . . I figured, why not? Still so many cards yet to be seen!!!
So, here are more from the MONSTERS EXPANSION! Enjoy and remember to keep on reaping! The world needs you!!
It is ALMOST time to kill your family...
almost 8 years ago
– Mon, Apr 17, 2017 at 11:37:47 PM
GOOF EVE REAPERS! Sorry for the lag in updates. We've been BUSY getting this thing ready for shipping, which is a lot more involved than stamps and boxes . . . although poor JT is completely out of saliva, but he's quite the stamp licker! We're now using Josh's sweat. There is SOOOO much of it!!! You have no idea . . . BUT, we should start shipping at the end of the week!! It has been spoken by the factory and so it shall be . . . I HOPE! So, keep those boney fingers and toes and other boney things crossed!!!
Also, we have been assured by shipping that EU should not be an issue as far as VAT goes. Good news for everyone! EU Reapers rejoice!
And now, a few images of the FINAL PRODUCTION SAMPLE!!! I will also be sending more card reveals over the next few days as well and other updates!!! Hang in there, we're almost to the finish line, but that doesn't mean you should start slacking off . . . KEEP ON REAPING!!!