almost 8 years ago
– Thu, Mar 02, 2017 at 10:38:21 PM
GOOF EVE REAPERS! This evening I'm here to shoot you more amazing card reveals from the APOCALYPSE EXPANSION by way of ACTION CARDS! Some fun ones here, but first a little official business. We are preparing to ship in the near future and have decided to ship direct from the factory so you will receive your games ASAP. It's going to be awesome for everybody, and we're excited to be able to ship this way.
If you ordered special things such as original art, Family Tree Cards and Tees, those will ship separately. But, all that said, I will be FINALIZING SHIPPING ADDRESSES in the next day or so. If you need to change your shipping address now is the time to do it!! I'll send out another reminder tomorrow.
One more thing . . . if you go to the preorders store and would like some of the ORIGINAL ART from the game, we are now offering them two for the original price of one! These are the original ink drawings from the game and all the creators can sign them for you if you like! They are pretty freakin' awesome and, if you have some faves, we'll try our best to get them to you if they are still available.
CLICK HERE if you want to get two pieces of PURE AWESOMENESS!!! AND, if you do, send me a private message with your top five favorite cards and we'll do our best to make sure you receive two of them! ;)
Until then, here's more of the tasty Apocalypse! Oh yeah, and keep on reaping!!!
The Apocalypse BEGINS...
almost 8 years ago
– Sat, Feb 25, 2017 at 11:46:28 PM
GOOF EVENING REAPERS! Hope you're having an awesome weekend so far and taking a break from all that Reaping. I mean, even Reapers need a break, right??? We wanted to show you the family cards from the APOCALYPSE EXPANSION because they are SUPER COOL and will change the way you play the game!
Since it is the Apocalypse and things are kind of mutated, there are only five family members in the Apocalypse Expansion . . . but each card can be one of two family members when you play them! For example, Brother/Aunt is a mutated version of a Brother and an Aunt merged! So, when you have this card and play it, you can select to make it either a Brother or an Aunt! It's a very cool mechanic change in the way the game is played and gives you more options if you happen to get one of these mutated family members! So, let the Apocalypse begin!!!!
And, take the weekend off . . . but when Monday comes . . . KEEP ON REAPING!!!
almost 8 years ago
– Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 10:58:45 PM
GOOF EVENING REAPERS! Manufacturing is underway and we are now figuring out shipping! SO SO SO MUCH CLOSER! But, until all that goodness gets underway, we wanted to shoot you even more card reveals!!
Here are the remainder of the Runner-Up Booster pack or what we've lovingly renamed THE LOSERS!
More to come and remember . . . KEEP ON REAPING!!!
Angels and Reapers . . . OH MY!!!
almost 8 years ago
– Wed, Feb 15, 2017 at 11:39:40 PM
GOOF EVENING REAPERS! Hope you are all doing most excellent. We wanted to start up the old card reveals again as the game heads into production! Also, we received an image today from the factory of what the PLASTIC INSERT will look like so thought I'd share that as well. I know, it's just a plastic insert, but it will keep all those awesome cards all tight and snuggly on those cold winter nights! Nothing like a hug from fabricated plastic!
Also, tonight's card reveals are ANGELS AND REAPERS . . . OH MY! These guys are from the Apocalypse, Fantasy and Monster Expansions! Can you guess who goes where??? :)
almost 8 years ago
– Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 11:37:23 PM
I am happy to report that we are OFFICIALLY IN PRODUCTION! Very Exciting!!! The cards are simply gorgeous and the box and everything is so so so incredibly nice. I know, as a Reaper, it's very rare that we get this excited (especially Josh, and don't get me started on poor dead JT) but when we opened the Prototype, we were SO PLEASED with not only the quality, but the colors and everything involved!!!
So, without further teasing . . . here's a look a the PROTO!
The box is covered in a blood red sleeve with the lovely Penny on the front with a FAMILY PLOT logo in a shiny UV coating, which means you can only see it in the light! It's pretty rad!
The MAIN BOX is white with a lot of key elements all shiny with UV coating. the colors are INSANE in person!!!
There is a print error on this prototype which has since been fixed. Sprinkles (Penny's rabbit) is supposed to be centered on the back of the sleeve, but right now he's pushed a bit to the left. Like I said, this has been corrected on the final run!
Don't be hating the BLURRING here. We want to save some "inside the box" surprises for you when you open your very own! BUT, this gives you an idea of how the magnetic box opens. The FINAL GAME will have a plastic insert for the cards. Right now, the prototype cards are just in plastic baggies.
Here's a shot of the board and the instructions. I know. I know. Glare. Sorry about that. The instructions are two-sided and the other side explains all the different cards, etc. The board is AWESOME and so much fun!!
More card reveals coming soon. Going to keep feeding you guys stuff as we get closer!! Thanks so much for all your support and patience. The game is GLORIOUS and now we can begin to work on the next one! Can't wait to show you what we have in store, inspired by YOU GUYS!!
Until then, KEEP ON REAPING!!!