Family Plot 2.0 PROTOTYPE IMAGES!!!
almost 4 years ago
– Mon, Feb 01, 2021 at 11:48:13 PM
Goof afternoon, REAPERS!! We have been in production now for a few weeks and everything was almost finished up . . . before the FAMOUS CHINESE NEW YEAR festivities and shutdown. Soooo, once that is all finished up, the games should be shipping to us from China and then we'll begin shipping orders out to you!
You can also grab ALL THING FAMILY PLOT at our new site . . . . . . if you have yet to order FP2!
But, until then, here is the glorious prototype...BIG BOX and all!
Upon opening, you will find the Rulebook, Modifier Tokens, and NEW BIGGER BADDER Family Plot 2 Matt!
AND THEN, you will see the GUTS! The inside holds the CORE Family Plot 2 game as well as 12 Separators and TONS of space for ALL YOUR FAMILY PLOTS CARDS Past, Present and FUTURE...sleeved, of course, if that's your thing! FYI, the plastic insert here is JUST the prototype for sizing, etc. The final will be much thicker and solid!
AND, here's a look at the NEW EXPANSIONS!!!
SOOOO, that's a solid look at the AWESOMENESS that is FP2! We hope you're as excited as we are. If you haven't yet ordered and want to grab one, the link is below! Go grab some scratch while they last!!! It's what a smart Reaper would do!!!
You can grab ALL THINGS FAMILY PLOT at our new site . . .